How to help your child beat exam stress?

Tests and exams are the constant situations that students have to face in their school life. There is no escape from the exams. Schools and colleges take exams to analyze student competencies. With all the exam processes and the paper pattern, the child is mentally affected. They have a constant fear of exams in their minds, and they often get stressed out. The student's state of mind shifts when the pattern changes a lot. As per the International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Science, 81.6% of the students experience stress or anxiety. Stress for exams is very common if we talk in general. The way one individual takes it isn't normal. Exams are inevitable. In this scenario, IB Schools in Gurgaon have lists that can help your child beat the stress. 5 Effective Ways To Help Your Child Release Stress We cannot help the child by giving the exams from their end. But we are always here to help them reduce their stress. Below are some of the effective ways that the best schoo...