Why Physical Education Play an Important Role in Schools & Its Impact on Pupil’s Health


We have seen a number of changes in non-educational activities in the last few years. Besides, it is clear through several types of research that physical education is a must for overall growth. Recently, it is found in many cases that children are spending time playing digital games instead of physical activity. In addition, they have started eating junk foods, watching TV, and playing computer games. All of this can lead to poor health and prevent the growth of your child.

Many secondary schools have viewed physical education (PE) as a marginal subject; also they reduced time for PE. In the Youth Sports Trust report, it is found that 38% of secondary schools have removed classes of PE from their timetable. 

Click on the link to read the full blog- https://www.ezineposting.com/why-physical-education-play-an-important-role-in-schools-its-impact-on-pupils-health/


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