How to help a shy child participate in school?


Shyness is not an attribute to praise. Speaking at the right time on the other side is appreciable. There are 10%-30% of students who are shy and interact barely. With this attitude, a child tends to perform on a limited ground in school. Their performance deteriorates with time because the intriguing behavior is diminished.

Considering a child spend half of their day in school, it is the responsibility of the teacher to handle this problem of the student. This is an issue because this stops children from learning in a way they aren’t aware of.

To handle shy students and improvise their behavior, some of the best schools in India came up with a list of solutions along with a few symptoms of shyness. Understanding the symptoms is more primary than curing them.

Signs of Shyness

Some of the signs that clearly show a child is shy in school are:

Voluntary speech: If asked for a speech, a child who speaks a few sentences shows a clear sign of shyness. A child who is not into speaking in front of a class full of friends reflects the mood of not speaking at all.

Distant from a group: A shy child will never join a group. Rather they will stare at the group from a distance and walk away.

Participation: A shy child will never participate in school functions, even after continuous persuasion.

Eye contact: A shy child will always keep their eyes down while answering something. They will find it difficult to make direct eye contact with the teachers or their seniors.

5 Ways to Help a Child Overcome Shyness

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